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A rollercoaster of emotions. 10/10. Can't wait to play your next game!

CANT WAIT TO PLAY YOUR NEXT GAME! I liked the story and the jump scares had me throwing my mouse lol! 

Thanks for making this! Looking forward to Security this year! EXECELLENT BUY FOR JUST $2

This game didn't go in the direction I expected it to (in a good way).  Great game!

Nice little game,  love how the game escalates quickly and the twist at the end. Full gameplay and thoughts on my video below.

Really disappointed as I heard so much about this, I cant actually do anything and just stuck walking around. Would look to getting a refund if I could. 

any other payment methods?
I'm indonesian fyi

I can't use paypal. Please pay with credit card.

(2 edits)

It was a pleasure being able to play this game and add it to my collection, loved the story and I'm also terrible with jumpscares and this game perfected that! W Game

Deleted 40 days ago

Hello, you can reach me via email. I will address your concerns. Please email me at

Lovely game, the cat scared the ass of me lol

Great Game!

At first when I saw the familiar laundromat I was worried but it quickly turned into something unique and special. Great debut game. Looking forward to your next project! (click if cute)

fun horror game :)


Hello Bitexstudios! Really like the style of your games looks very interesting! I'd love to collaborate with you. I can cover all your sound needs from music to SFX, let me know if you are interested. Good luck! :)

This was fun to play , i won't lie the 1st jumpscare got me 😂

Nice game really enjoyed it definitely looking forward to play more of your games

Hands down a great game! i love the jumpscare! i can't believe i was screaming already haha kudos to the team <3

Nice little game,  love how the game escalates quickly and the twist at the end. Full gameplay and thoughts on my video below. 

Random Scuffed Games #198

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Bisherige Reviews Archiv:

Vorgeschlagen von: captaingummiball

Night Shift: Laundry hat leider viele fragwürdige Gamedesign Entscheidungen. Zur rechten Zeit fehlt einem das Feedback vom Spiel, was man gerade machen muss, womit man interagieren kann und so sucht man beinahe Ziellos nach der nächsten Aufgabe oder der Task die man gerade kurzfristig vergessen hatte.

Es gibt ein paar nette Jumpscares, allerdings sind diese extrem vorhersehbar und auch nicht sonderlich kreativ. Nach einer halben Stunde haben wir den Remix von der OOIIAOIIA Cat abgespielt und hatten plötzlich mehr spaß als vorher, da es schon ziemlich zäh war.

eine wohlwollende gerade noch Kaufempfehlung, ich würde aber nochmal bei den Basics des Gamedesign anfangen diese aufzufrischen.


Dito: 2.6/5

Chat: 2.41/5

Gesamt: 2.5/5

Do you intend to launch on steam, too ?

Really nice game, i like the twist..

Night Shift - Laundry | Full Game | Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary

That's Very Nice Game I love it

There is a lot, and I mean a LOT to be improved.


Thank you for your feedback. We’re always working to improve, and your input helps guide us in the right direction. Stay tuned for our updates in this 2025!

first game i've played on Itch and i loved every minute of it. this indie game is a pure gem and i really can't wait for the next one. 

Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! We’re thrilled you loved Night Shift: Laundry. Stay tuned for our next game coming in this early 2025, we’ve got something exciting lined up!

(1 edit)

Gameplay completo

El juego ta bueno, algún q otro susto y dos finales 

This game was AWESOME! Very unique experience and the jumpscares got me SO BAD.

Thank you for the awesome feedback. We’re so glad you enjoyed the game and that the jumpscares got you good!

bought the game and cant download it...

Hello, you can reach me via email. I will address your concerns. Please email me at

(1 edit)

had issues launching it at first but after playing, really enjoyed it

(1 edit)

Great game!

i've enjoyed it and overall i got new experience like the game recording my voice xD it's funny. 

Just an advice, maybe next you can put option to setting graphic or display, at first run, my eyes can't take those chromatic color in some places and make me little dizzy

Overall 9 to 10, gonna wait for the next game 😁

This was a great game! 

Played this game on tiktok live.
As a singapore gaming streamer i really love the jumpscare.
wished the game could be longer. 
Overall is a goodgame. 
Will support more if there more games from BiteXstudios.

Thank you so much for your support! We're glad you enjoyed the jumpscare. We'll continue working hard to provide even more exciting experiences. Our next game will be coming in early 2025, so stay tuned! We truly appreciate your support for Bite X Studios and your awesome stream!

i would like a refund plz. cant move out of the first room. i can hear the footsteps but im not moving. play on a 4090 un anacceptable

I’ve sent you an email. Could you take a look so we can follow up?

Cant move at all what the hell ?

Aku suka gamenya, walau secara ending katanya ada 3 tapi aku cuma dapat 2 sih. I'm really enjoy the game with a gripping atmosphere and pixel graphics adding to the horror feel, Good 👍

9,5 out of 10, Nice.

Aku menunggu kabar game Night shift security 😁👍

Really good game!
I enjoyed all of it, it was really scary when u heard your own voice xD
Shoutout to the dev for contacting me via email and sent the game. 
5 out of 5

I bought the game but i didnt get it, money was taken from my paypal acc. pls help

Hello, you can reach me via email. I will address your concerns. Please email me at

Upload this game on steam

Finally there is an Indonesian horror game that is solid and has a good story, lots of jump scares and I like that haha. good luck bitexstudio :)

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